SWS Cafeterias/IGUs

SWS Cafeterias/IGUs operate as semi autonomouse kitchen specializing on event catering, outside catering, wedding, office parties, office services and meetings.

The IGUs are four namely; Chiromo/Stella Awinja Cafeterias, Comcare/Dental/CAVS Cafeterias, Uniplaza Cafeteria and Kisumu Cafeteria.

Chiromo Cafeteria based at Chiromo Campus. Comcare Cafe is based at College of Health Science at Kenyattat National Hospital and Dental Cafe is based at Dental school. CAVS Cafeteria is based at the College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences, Upper Kabete Campus. Uniplaza cafeteria is situated at Mombasa Campus while Kisumu Campus Cafeteria is at Kisumu Campus.

The four units are headed by a Supervisor assisted by a number of staff members.