Varsity Catering Services

Varsity Catering services is located at the Central Catering Unit (CCU) building. It operates under the Principal Catering Officer's Office as a  Cateteria. Varsity Catering services specializes on outside catering, event catering and also handles most of the UON eevents and meetings


SWS security section is responsible for the management and co-ordination of the security network in four strategic management units (SMUs) namely: Mamlaka, Lower State House Road, Upper State House Road and Women’s Hall including ADD building, UHS (University Health Services) and UNES (University of Nairobi Enterprises and Services), in liaison with other University of Nairobi officials.

The section is headed by a Senior Deputy Chief Security Officer at the level of Assistant Registrar deputized by a Deputy Chief Security Officer 1.

Catering Department

Resident students are automatically considered for the pay-as-you eat (PAYE) catering services programme, which provides 21 meals per week from Monday to Sunday. The dinning halls are open for three meals per day. To supplement the regular dinning hall services, there are outside catering points in most SMUs, which are open and offer services continuously.

Catering Department Staff:

Ms Birundu Vane - Ag. Principal Catering Officer